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Members on my mailing list receive the following weekly newsletters.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list please contact Jan

Hi everyone

I will begin with a big thank you to Pauline, who yesterday gave the group a very enjoyable afternoon with many well received readings.  I am hoping Pauline will be with us again before our summer break.

It´s not too late to put your name down for our annual social meal, which is again at Javea Golf Club, and will be 26th February.   I need to know your choice of menu in advance, if you didn´t see the list in a recent message let me know. And remember you are welcome to bring a partner/friend if you wish.

Also available now I have the transcript of the meeting with Ka Ta Rang.  Let me know if you would like a copy.

For the ladies of our group and who live in this part of Spain  -   some of us belong to a group called The European Union of Women.  Meetings I have attended have been very interesting and concern women of the world. Meetings are usually held at Javea Golf Club.  Last Monday´s meeting had about thirty ladies attending - and you might be interested to know that ten of those are on the mailing list of SFCB - some coming to our meetings and others just receiving regular mail.

Our next meeting of SF is on Wednesday 19th February and will be another interesting afternoon discussion on a spiritual subject.  A subject which has been requested by more than one person in our suggestion box.

A thought for today

"Three things cannot be hidden, the sun, the moon and the truth" (Buddha)

and another

¨Forgive everyone everything¨

Keep warm

Love to all

Jan.x 🌻


Hi everyone.

February already, the days are flying past quickly this year.  The meeting on Wednesday 5th will be with Pauline Kernick giving clairvoyance.  Looking forward to seeing those that can make it to the meeting.

With no other news I will go straight on with the news of the February social event...................

It will soon be the time of year for our annual social gathering.

We call it the February Fed-Up Feast as the festive season has been and gone and summer is still a way off, therefore the time of year when we need cheering up.

If you have not already put your name on the list and want to join us let me know

After searching for a new venue I failed - so as previous years our event will be at Javea Golf Club.

I will leave you with a thought for the day......

"Know what sparks the light in you.  Then use that light to illuminate the world" (Oprah Winfrey)

Love to all, enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

Jan. x🌻

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Hi everyone,

I hope you are keeping warm and enjoying your weekend. Below was a recent message from Daily Om and I think it is a very spiritual message which should be shared

Love to all, 

Jan. x 🌻

Love Shows the Way -Every movement in the Universe is a movement toward love....

We are living in a time of great change. Many thinkers and seers agree that humanity and the planet Earth are evolving at a quickened pace, and that this evolution will be severe and seemingly chaotic at times. It is natural for people to react with fear because these changes will bring some level of difficulty and loss to many of us. However, it is essential that we remember that our souls chose to be here at this time and to be part of this process. Every movement in the universe is a movement toward love. This is true even in situations that appear to be the opposite of loving at first glance.

Since we chose to be here, we are capable and ready to rise to the challenges we find ourselves in. It is helpful to reflect on our own lives and make any changes necessary to fully support humanity and the planet in loving ways. When we open our hearts in love instead of closing them in fear, we serve the divine process. We are all powerful spirits who took form at this time in order to serve our fellow humans, our planet, and the universe. When we find ways we can serve, our fear dissipates. We may serve by remaining calm and loving with our children and our families, even when the situation seems dark. We may serve by sending money to people who need financial assistance. We may serve by going out into the world and actively helping to rebuild lives. Regardless of what actions we choose to take, the essential element will be the internal gesture of choosing to remain in love. This is all that is needed.

When it is difficult to remain in love, we can always call upon our unseen helpers: the teachers and guides who are always with us. All we need to do is ask and then trust that we are being helped. The guidance we receive is love itself, showing us the way.


May spirit light your path.


Please note

Spiritual Friends Costa Blanca has no connection or affiliation with Spiritual Friends Alfaz or any other similarly named groups

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