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Members on my mailing list receive the following weekly newsletters.

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Hi everyone,

I know the weather is usually fairly local but I think yesterdays storms covered most of you who live in Spain.  I hope your homes and gardens are okay. Where I live it was minimum rain (one short sharp shower), but thunder for hours. You may have heard of the saying ¨Mad dogs of Englishmen go out in the midday sun¨ yesterday my daughter and I were ¨Mad dogs of Englishwomen out in the afternoon storms¨  in the garden taking photos of the amazing clouds and the lightening.  Back to the high temperatures again, but at least the humidity is less today (so far!).

I receive a daily om and enjoy the daily subjects.  I have never gone further and taken a course, but think the words in the daily items are very interesting. Some of the most recent have been...

End the Stress Cycle

Language of the Soul

Discover who you really are

Stronger than you know


How to overcome Depression

The places we go.

If you don´t want to join the daily OM but would like one of those subjects forwarded for yourself or a friend, let me know.

Sorry this is turning out to be a long message - but - I opened my documents on the computer and this jumped out at me, so when that happens I forward the item.........................

A poem I found on my computer (from 2011).

DO YOU PRAY? Should you pray - to the heavens above?

Of course you should, for it´s the way to access heavenly love.

In times of need when life gets tough and you need to feel warm

The help will come through those above, to help you through the storm.

And, when life is good, and you feel at peace, give your thanks when you pray,

For those above like to know, that they helped you on your way.

And don´t forget the need to heal those less fortunate than you,

For they will help again once more, it´s what they love to do.

So prayer is good, for all these things, and love will come your way,

When we remember to ask for help, each and every day.

What goes around, comes around, when all is said and done

The love and healing, help and peace, is there for everyone.

So take the time, and always be true unto yourself

And you will find riches galore, and far greater wealth.

We are here to help each other, just reach out and ask

And you will find the help you need in each and every task.

And, in closing, I would like to say, thank you for being you

FROM US ABOVE, we give thanks, for everything you do.


Enjoy life, stay cool,

Love to all.

Jan. x 🌻


Hi everyone

Firstly thanks to those who wrote to me about the 8/8 portal and the significance of yesterday´s date.  Unfortunately I didn´t see the messages until this morning, but presume all the good luck and energy came to me yesterday as I booked a new venue for the group meetings.,

A few of you sent me the name of a suggested venue, Marley´s Bar and Bistro, Moraira. and I have at last found it, visited it and arranged with our new host Kevin (and his sweet little friendly dog)  for fortnightly meetings starting on 4th September.  It is a restaurant as well as a bar, he normally closes on Wednesdays but is agreeable to opening just for us and will have the bar open before and after the meetings.  But, unfortunately no food available as the chef works somewhere else on a Wednesday.

The floor space is about the same footage as our last venue but is more square than long.  It will be more than adequate for the usual number of us that attend.

Carl will be putting a map on the website and if you have any queries about how to find it let me know. The address is:

Coming to Moraira from the north, the road is opposite the gate to Paichi Garden Centre, the 2nd turn on the left after passing Aldi.  Parking is on a strip of waste land to the left and Marley's is a short walk down the slope at the back of the buildings.

The weather forecasters are telling us that this weekend will have record breaking temperatures (as if it is not hot enough already). If you are in Spain, please take care, keep safe, and try to keep cool.

Love to all, 

enjoy the weekend

Jan. x 🌻



With 32 in the shade this morning and when I last looked it was 75% humidity, watching the attached video certainly cooled me down.

For those of you interested in meetings of the EUW (European Union of Women) the next meeting is Thursday 26th September, 10.00am at Javea Golf Club.

For anyone who, like me, is fascinated by numbers today's date is 8.8.8  (if you add the numbers of the year making 8) - any numerologists who may now if it is significant in any way let me know please.

You can say no   -  a Daily Om from a few days ago, which may be relevant for you or someone you know.

Putting yourself first means that it may be necessary to say no to someone else in order to say yes to yourself. We have all heard the instructions of an airline attendant reminding us to put on our own oxygen mask before we help anyone else with theirs. This advice is often cited as a metaphor for self-care because it so accurately expresses why it is important. It seems to say, ironically, that if you can’t take care of yourself for yourself, do it for others. Few situations in our daily lives mimic the wake-up call of an airplane emergency, so it’s easy to keep putting self-care off — easy, that is, until we get sick, overwhelmed, or exhausted and suddenly don’t have the energy to care for the people who count on us. That’s when we realize we haven’t been getting the oxygen we need to sustain ourselves. We begin to understand that taking care of ourselves is neither selfish nor indulgent; it’s just plain practical.

Putting yourself first means that it may be necessary to say no to someone else in order to say yes to yourself. For many of us, there is always something we feel we could be doing for someone else, and it helps to remember the oxygen metaphor. You can even encourage yourself by saying, “I am caring for myself so that I am better able to care for others,” or some other mantra that will encourage you. It also helps to remember that self-care doesn’t have to be composed of massively time-consuming acts. In fact, the best prescription for taking care of yourself is probably small, daily rituals — like taking 30 minutes for yourself at the beginning and end of the day to meditate, journal, or just be. You also might transform the occasional daily shower or bath into a half-hour self-pampering session.

Whatever you decide, making some small gesture where you put yourself first every day will pay off in spades for you and the ones you love. The oxygen you need is all around you; sometimes you just need to be reminded to breathe.

Keep cool,

Love to all.  

Jan x☀️🌻


Please note

Spiritual Friends Costa Blanca has no connection or affiliation with Spiritual Friends Alfaz or any other similarly named groups

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