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Members on my mailing list receive the following weekly newsletters.

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Hi all,

I hope your week is going to plan, mine isn't as on Monday I accidentally lost the whole SF File on my computer. (20 years of items saved and information for the group). I presumed it was lost forever but ... Fortunately someone at the meeting yesterday suggested a way of retrieving it - and I thankfully have found it. It is not where it was, and I have no idea of how to put it back where it was, but I now know where to find it.

Maja gave us an interesting afternoon explaining how she can talk to animals by hypnosis with the owner, which helps sort out any problems of the animal´s misbehaviour. With us being a spiritual group, and as the title of the talk was ¨communicating with animals¨, I had previously presumed that we would be talking with out pets who have passed over - the boss at my first job after leaving school once told me ¨never presume¨ - I cannot remember what I had done to be given that advice, but obviously - yet again in my life - I presumed and was wrong. But hearing about live animals communicating was intriguing.

Unusually we had a very early finish to the afternoon, so for those that wanted to stay it gave us time for a chat and a drink before leaving.

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Hi all,

I hope you are enjoying the week.

A quick reminder of our meeting next wednesday 15th November.

It will be Maja on the subject of communicating with animals.

Thanks to Joan for forwarding this lovely message to share...

The Sky- Becky Hemsley 2022

He asked of me why it was raining

He asked was it tears from the sky

And I replied yes

That this was the case

That even the heavens can cry

He asked of me what was the thunder

He said it was hurting his ears

And I told him that sometimes

Even the clouds

Need to scream so that somebody hears

He asked of me what was the wind

And why was it whirling and swirling around

So I explained

Even the sky takes deep breaths

When it’s trying to calm itself down

Yet often, we keep our tears secret

And we swallow our own cries for help

And we think that it’s weak

To be catching our breath

So we don’t let our struggles be felt

And yet, if the clouds never emptied

If the sky never screamed through the storm

It would sit growing darker

And darker until

It was simply no use to us all

So throw all your fears to the wind dear

And toss all your tears to the clouds

And you will discover

The infinite power

The heavens hold over the ground

See, it’s normal and natural to struggle

And it’s healthy and human to cry

And if anyone questions

Your power my darling

Just tell them it’s matched by the sky


Love to all.

Jan. x🌻

May spirit light your path.

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Hello everyone

Certainly a change in the weather but mustn't complain as it is November.

The meeting on Wednesday went quite well - only one person made their own mandala everyone else choosing from the selection provided. The meeting finished a little earlier than planned so we made use of the time by having a discussion on various spiritual subjects before all leaving.

On Wednesday, as always, many names were added to the Healing Book - so please, as often as you can, give a thought to the book for healing to go to those who need it.

A message from Carl.

The chamber choir I sing in is having it’s 1st full concert “Pastime with Good Company” on Wed 8th Nov, 19:30, at the DAR Centre, by La Hermita - halfway between Javea and Jesus Pobre. Tickets are €10 and can be bought online at…

About the concert..

52.8 Chamber Chair are pleased to bring you a very mixed programme of unacompanied choral music through the ages. Composers featured include:

Morley, Byrd, Gibbons, Purcell, Bruckner, Stanford

This will be a concert of some of the most beautiful music in the world.

Tickets will be available on the door but can not be guaranteed as numbers are limited.

Ticket Price forms a donation towards the cost of the event.

I will leave you with a saying from the book ¨The Quiet Mind¨ by White Eagle.

Feet on Earth, Head in Heaven.

Keep you feet on the earth but lift your face towards the heavens, for the Light which floods into you from on high will steady your feet and quide them in the right path. Have confidence in this divine Light. Surrender with a tranquil mind and a heart full of love to this infinite Wisdom.

Enjoy the weekend.

Love to all,

Jan. x🌻


Please note

Spiritual Friends Costa Blanca has no connection or affiliation with Spiritual Friends Alfaz or any other similarly named groups

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