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Members on my mailing list receive the following weekly newsletters.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list please contact Jan

Hi everyone,

Yesterday - another discussion day - was a great meeting, very interesting hearing and sharing our spiritual experiences.  Plus it being another day of learning for us all.

Our next meeting on 5th February we have Pauline Kernick giving clairvoyance. Looking forward to that.

We recently had new opening and closing prayers for the group. It is good to change the prayers regularly.  So, if anyone feels they would like to write anything to share, (prayers or poems)  bring them along or send them to me.

It is great to see more people taking part in the Spiritual Friends Connect WhatsApp group.   If you want to join in but do not know how, let me know your phone number and we can send an invite to make it easier for you.

A few inspirational quotes to finish this message...

If you believe it will work, you will see opportunities.

If you believe it won´t, you will see obstacles.

(Wayne Dyer)

Believe you can and you are halfway there.

(Theodore Roosevelt)

If you can dream it, you can do it.

(Walt Disney)

Love to all

Jan. x🌻


Hi everyone

A late mid-week  early weekend message.

Our next meeting is Wednesday 22nd and we will be sharing our spiritual experiences. The subjects being questions from the suggestion box.......

Experiences of others

Has anyone seen spirit?

Can we get advice from Spirit ?

and no doubt other similar questions will also be discussed.


From this week´s  Friday Afterlife Report. -  I am sure we all agree with this dream.

 " I dream of a world where starvation, exploitation, oppression, and greed no longer exist and where every man, woman and child has enough to eat, a roof over their head, and a purpose to rise each morning with a song in their heart and a smile upon their face."  (White Feather)


Reasons to be Cheerful  - is an online newspaper which only contains good news.


If you haven´t already put your name on the list, and wish to join us for the Fed-Up February Feast on 26th February, let me know asap.  I need to know numbers before finding a reasonably priced restaurant with a suitable sized room. Partners/friends welcome to join us too.


A reminder, that the people of the Valencian flooding disaster are still in need of items.  Most needed at the moment are electrical goods.  If you have anything electrical no longer needed you can take small items to The Lions shop in Moraira, or arrange with them for larger items.


Pleaser remember you can always post items of interest to other members of the group on  WhatsApp  Spiritual Friends Connect

Wishing you all peace, love and laughter

Jan. x 🌻

May spirit light your path.


Hi everyone

I hope the year has started off well for you all.  For those that it hasn't - I hope all gets better soon.

In our meetings in January we will be discussing, and hopefully giving the answers to, the questions in the suggestion box.  On the 8th, the subjects will be the importance of mediation and the difference between soul and spirit.

Please don´t think that because you know about these subjects you needn't come to the meeting.  It is because you know that I need you there, so that we can discuss our views and opinions to help those who have asked the questions.


It was recently pointed out to me, that the group's WhatsApp is not mentioned at the foot of the messages I send out.  The WhatsApp was started back in the lockdown days but has not been used by many since that time.  So here is a reminder you can WhatsApp [see separate email] to share spiritual items, news, events etc  on  Spiritual Friends Connect

Love to all,

Keep warm

Jan. x 🌻


May spirit light your path.


Please note

Spiritual Friends Costa Blanca has no connection or affiliation with Spiritual Friends Alfaz or any other similarly named groups

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