Hi everyone.
A reminder that our meeting on Wednesday with be with Pauline Kernick giving clairvoyance. Look forward to seeing those that can make it then.
We've all seen and heard about the flood problems in Valencia. There are collection points for wellington boots, toiletries needed, food both for humans and others for animals, but as for most families everything they owned was lost so please does anyone know of a collection point for children´s toys.?
This was included on this week´s Afterlife Report. A question people often ask, What is the meaning of life.......
"The purpose is to enable the incarnating spirit to undergo a variety of experiences that will fit it for the next stage, the one that begins beyond physical death. Earth is the schoolhouse where the soul should learn its lessons and thus be properly educated and equipped for the next stage of its eternal life."
Silver Birch.
I will sign off with this song, I have sent it before but as we continually say love is important so enjoy......
HIGHLY INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC: "ONE LOVE" FROM "PLAYING FOR CHANGE" This Song Around the World is in dedication to the love inside each of us. We can achieve far more together as a human race than we ever could apart. Learn more about the Playing for Change Foundation.
Love to all
Jan. x 🌻