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Members on my mailing list receive the following weekly newsletters.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list please contact Jan

HI everyone,

Well, we needed rain and we got it- a lot of it - and got it just on the day we could have done without it, as it was our first meeting of the Autumn season. The rain kept coming and it kept people away.  Fortunately a few of us did manage to get to the new venue just before the downpour, and the rain stopped before the end of the meeting for us to get home.. The subject planned was not used, instead the six of us had a discussion between ourselves which I believed covered almost every aspect of spiritualism and spirituality (and a few other subjects as we always go off track at some time!).  A very enjoyable afternoon.

One of the subjects we touched on at our meeting yesterday was  living in the ¨Now¨. Which reminded me of this video by Eckhart Toll with the title of The True Purpose of Life. I hope you will enjoy watching it.

Enjoy the week. -   Jan.x 🌻

Love to all, and I leave you with a thought .....

What is a prayer?  Do you Pray ?

Prayer doesn't just happen when we kneel or put our

hands together and focus and expect things to happen.

Thinking positive and wishing good for others is a prayer.

When you hug a friend, that is a prayer.

When you cook something to nourish family and friends

that is a prayer.

When we send off our near and dear ones and say

“drive safely” or “be safe” that is a prayer

When you are helping someone in need by giving your

time and energy. You are praying.

When you forgive someone from your heart

that is a prayer.

Prayer is a vibration, a feeling, a thought.

Prayer is the voice of love, friendship, genuine relationships.

Prayer is an expression of your silent being.

Keep praying always.


May spirit light your path.


Hello everyone

It is with great sadness that I start this message with the upsetting news of the passing of Attie who was our host at Moonlighters for our meetings during the past year.  I am sure you all join me in sending condolences to Lee, all her family and friends.


September already,  Meetings start again on Wednesday 4th. The subject for discussion is ´How has spirit helped you, and how has spirit helped you to help others´.   I hope you have been thinking hard about how Spirit has helped you,

Looking forward to hearing about times and events which have made a difference to your lives thanks to the help of spirit.

If you cannot join us at the meeting but would like to share your stories, please send them to me for the meeting.

Link attached to a post from Julia of Javea Feral Cats regarding their 4th Padel Tournament & Gala Day. It’s free to go along - the Gala Day plans to be a fun one on 15th September

A few sayings found on the web.................

"Life has no limitations, except the ones you make." – Les Brown;“You define your own life. Don't let other people write your script.” —Oprah Winfrey;"The mind is everything. What you thinkyou become." - Buddha;

Love to all

Jan. x 🌻


Hi everyone

Hoping that you are all fit and well and have had an enjoyable few weeks since the last a meeting.  One week to go until the first meeting after our break, looking forward to seeing all of you who can make it to the new venue on 4th September.

The map of Marley´s Bar is on our website (address at the foot of the message as always).   If you are lost on the day have your phone with you and contact me (number below).

The first day back to normality will be a discussion between ourselves (no speaker).   The subject was suggested to me and I believe it is a good one, hope you do to.   What we will be talking about is ´how has spirit helped us?´ and ´how has spirit helped us to help other people?´.  Probably not something you can think about in depth on the day with no warning - so, if you can, during the next week, give some thought to how spirit has helped you and how they have helped you to help others.  Even if you will not be with us next week, it might be a good subject to ponder on and, if you want to share your answers, send them to me to include in the discussion.

As you are all by now aware,  if something comes into my head I send it as it may be needed by you or someone you know.

Something I came across recently is the saying

"I can if I think I can - have hope, belief, faith and victory will follow".

Some years ago I was due to undertake a long journey on my own which involved several changes of trains, buses, cars. I was nervous !!  Shortly before the trip while in a shop I saw a drink´s mat which said "I can and I will, watch me".  I bought the mat - it´s on show in my  living room and I have read those words every day since. Hope it helps one of you if you need it.

Love to all

Jan x 🌻


Please note

Spiritual Friends Costa Blanca has no connection or affiliation with Spiritual Friends Alfaz or any other similarly named groups

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