HI everyone
A second meeting at the new venue, and again it rained and kept people away. But, we did have a great meeting. Ian gave wonderful messages to everyone in the room, and we didn´t finish until after 5pm. Thanks Ian a most enjoyable afternoon.
Our next meeting is on 2nd October (crikey this year is passing quickly). The subject of the day will be Dowsing and the speaker our own Carl. If you have pendulums bring them along. If not, do not worry we always have some with us.
Carl tells me he has been delving deeper into the subject and found some interesting facts, so even if you think you know about the subject come along and find out something new.
I found this among paperwork, no idea where I got it from but thought I would share it. It is from a book called SPIRITUAL LIGHT
Conscience is an inner knowledge or feeling of right or wrong, with a compulsion to do right. The higher the level of our moral consciousness, the more does conscience become a part of our very being, and the more spiritual we are - whether we know it or not.
Intuition is a receptive quality - the immediate knowing or learning of something without the conscious use of reasoning. It is usually of geat value to those who follow it, and it is generally surprisingly accurae, through not always so.
Intuition comes from a mind or minds, our own or others, It may come from an individual´s storehouse or memory of others. Nothing every experiences, or heard, or read, or seen, or lost, though it may be so deeply buried in the storehouse of memory that is is only under special circumstances recalled.
Intuition withoiut conscience is the immediate (and usually unconscious) moral appraisal of a situation, sometimes accompanied by the knowledge of what to do and doing it. Our intuition, if allied with conscience, will almost always guide us to the right path.
Instinct may be either the inborn tendency to behave in a way characteristic of a species, or a natural or acquired tendency, aptitude or talen.
The distinction between intuition and instinct is sometimes rather thin. But as a general rule, intuition denotes knowing, while instinct denotes doing, without a conscious knowledge of why it is being done.
I will sign off with a few words I read recently. ...
What your resist persists
If you cannot love it, just accept it.
Love to all
Jan. x 🌻