Hi everyone.
Yesterday I sat at the computer and couldn´t think what to write in the weekend message, I had no thoughts, no prompting from spirit as to where to look for something to pass on. So I closed the compter. Now I know why. Without realising it I was waiting to receive a message today to forward to you.
Angie sent me a copy of a channelled message recieved by Shirley Battle (a medium who lives in the South of England.
Read and enjoy
Love to all
Jan. x🌻
Channelled Message through Shirley Battle regarding the Future
Planet Earth will survive..........
Each individual act is important to the health of your world. Planet Earth will survive. The human species will survive. Visits from one who states he is from our far future. The message that follows is clear.
“We are going to talk about the future, for we feel this is in your mind and you wish to know what you could do. How can you best serve? Where should you be? What should you do? Your soul is important, your soul as a group will continue. There will be changes; there have always been changes so this is not new. We feel that your own personal focus is more on the near future rather than the far future. You are all so very concerned about your future, which is quite understandable. Focus on your present, for as you think and act today dictates your tomorrow. So is it not important to think about what you are feeding your mind with? Are you feeding your mind with scenes of violence, negative thoughts and ignoble acts? Or are you filling your mind with the glories of being alive, stories of acts of brave and heroic individuals and the amazing work done by light workers? Be inspired by the astounding examples of those who give of their time, love and compassion to those less fortunate than themselves. Your mind will absorb all the food you give it and this in itself will affect your future.
So your future? And we can hear you say, well when are you going to tell us about the future? There are always changes. We make contingency plans to assist the planet Earth and much of this is an infusion of special souls. Many are being born now, many have already been born. These are highly developed souls who have volunteered to be of service when there is a need. Are you one of these? We are also speaking of interaction with the mind, ideas, technology to assist, to keep civilisation going.
Along with that you have special beings who have volunteered to be human. Some of them have never been human before, but are now incarnated as human beings specifically to assist mankind to get back on its feet, whether this be spiritually or of a practical nature, or with health and healing. Are you one of these? Concentrate on your own life and your role for this planet, for you do have a role – those who are healers will heal, those who are teachers will teach, those who have serenity of mind will bring calm to those who are not serene, those who understand disturbed minds will be able to soothe them and arrange some method of assistance, those who are practical will put their practical gift to use, those who bring joy with music and dance and laughter will do so. Each has a role to play and each is as valuable as the other. You will have noticed that there are many young ones who are astounding in what they are able to do, and these numbers are increasing all the time.
Dreams, meditation, channelling, any means of contact with the spirit world is absolutely vital. Many are being trained now to connect with the spirit world. Are you one of these? It is not random; it is a programme to enable people to make this connection themselves so that many more will be awake. The numbers will grow so that there will be enormous help through this means. Those who close their ears and do not wish to have anything to do with this will be assisted by those who do. Are you one of these?
Is it always somebody else who must make things happen? Is it always somebody else’s responsibility? Never think that what you do in life makes no difference to your planet. No matter how large or small you consider your contribution to be, rest assured that when you act with good intention you personally make a difference to the health of your own soul and well being of your planet and all its inhabitants. You are here right now to experience the greatest adventure of all time. Enjoy it.
May spirit light your path.