Hi all,
Friday already - where do the days go ?
What a fantastic, informative, and fun meeting we had on Wednesday. Rubina gave us so much information on reflexology and our feet. Very interesting to learn that our past and present lives show in our feet, and they also tell our personality. I previously just took my feet for granted - they were just on the end of my legs where they were supposed to be. I now know how amazing and important feet are, I will respect mine a lot more in future. Thank you Rubina for a very enjoyrable afternoon.
The diary is changing again. The next meeting on 20th March will be Healing. The plan is for four different speakers giving information on various types of healing. Three we have, Hopefully we can also find someone to come along and talk about Reiki,
An interesting website.
A thought for the day.....
"Realise that you belong to eternity, You are but pilgrims treading a temporary passage through life". (Silver Birch)
Enjoy the weekend
Love to all
Jan. x🌻