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Newsletter 21 May 2024

Hi everyone

We know that there is no such thing as coincidence. This was again proved to me. At last Wednesday´s meeting Deborah talked about love and how love will help everything.  In the Friday´s Afterlife Report...........


A really beautiful song magnificently presented and eloquently expressed by Julio Iglesias and Stevie Wonder. Given the current world situation, we ask that, as you listen to the words, you join in with this glorious visualisation of the world as it could be and as it will be.

Some of the really beautiful lyrics:

" ... Let my love shine throughout the world to every mountain top and steeple

Let It be felt by every soul  - 'Til love's all over

Let it reach out to every heart -To every disenfranchised people."

other words say .......

Say love to all that we see

Love´s the key to peace

Let our love shine throughout the world.

I have heard this record in the past when it has been on the radio, but I am ashamed to say I had never previously actually listened to the words.  With the title being My Love, I had always thought the lyrics were about a loved one, parter or friend, finding out the true meaning came as a shock to me.  This is such a spiritual song, I am not ashamed to say the words brought tears to my eyes. I will be playing the music regularly to constantly remind me of how important it is to send out my love.


A few sayings on the same subject..........

The spiritual meaning of love is measured by what it can do. Love is meant to heal. Love is meant to renew. (Deepak Chopra)


The most good you can do for yourself spiritually is to live your life with total love, conviction, and purpose. (Deepak Chopra)



Sending love to you all

Jan. x🌻


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Spiritual Friends Costa Blanca has no connection or affiliation with Spiritual Friends Alfaz or any other similarly named groups

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