Hi everyone
March already, somebody please find a way to slow this year down.
I enjoyed the annual dinner, I hope everyone else enjoyed it too. A big thank you for the beautiful basket of flowers presented to me. Plus a thank you for all those who donated towards the fund for the Teenagers Home, we raised 30 euros.
Next week March 5th our next meeting will be Deborah Jane Sutton giving us a full "Celtic Cross" Tarot reading for the Group followed by Q&A where those present can ask the cards their own questions.......and we will see what comes up!!" That should be a very interesting meeting.
While writing I would ask you all to give loving thoughts to all the names in our Healing Book. There has recently been a record number of names added in the book recently. Remember you don´t have to wait until a meeting you can contact me to put a name in the book at any time.
As I have done many times (but not so many in recent months) I opened, at random, my little book called ¨The Quiet Mind" with messages from White Eagle and strangely the page would have been helpful for our last meeting on the subject of Intuition.
"The way to truth is through the spirit. In the outer world is turmoil and chaos and unhappiness. You think with the mortal mind, with the mind which is part of the substance of earth. You should think with your inner mind; you should approach problems through the inner self, through intuition. The very word explains itself. In-tuition - training inside your self. You are looking outside for help, and all the time the help you want is inside. The world of spirit that so many of you talk about and believe in, and long to touch, is all within."
Enjoy your day, (especially as the forecast for this area is low temperatures and rain every day from tomorrow and for a whole week).
But, whatever the weather, Be Happy
Love to all
Jan.x 🌻