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Wednesday 22 Nov 2023

Hi all

I hope you are enjoying your week.

Next Wednesday 29th our speakers are Gareth Dearing and his wife, the topic of the meeting being our Soul's Journey on the path of ascension, discussing consciousness, exploring some of the obstacles we could face along the way, 'The Shadow' - The Dark Night of The Soul'.The role of the Kundalini energy - 'The Serpent Rising' and the importance of self care.

below a message from White Feather. I believe we all share this dream...........

"Do I dream? Yes, I dream of peace in your world.

I dream of men treating their brothers with love instead of hatred.

I dream of all sentient creatures being afforded dignity, respect, gentleness, kindness, and impunity.

I dream of all races, colours, creeds, and genders working in harmony with each other to create a better standard of living for all, without exception.

I dream of a world where starvation, exploitation, oppression, and greed no longer exist and where every man, woman, and child has enough to eat, a roof over their head and a purpose to rise each morning with a song in their heart and a smile upon their face.

I dream of a world where war is no more and peace reigns supreme. I dream of a world where the emphasis is placed upon true spiritual learning, self discovery, and the unfoldment of the innermost riches of the divine - not the excuse for indoctrination that currently passes for education.

I dream of a world where the ethos is not to work for a system that favours the few, but one that rewards service to the many; where the weak are helped by the strong and the deprived are served by those who have more than enough to give and delight in doing so.

I dream of a world filled with light and truth; where darkness is vanquished and lies are no longer rewarded; where true power rests safely in the hands of the wise and selfless whose only desire is to help others.

I dream of a world in which gentleness is recognised as strength and generosity of spirit is rewarded in every area of life; where service to others is given freely and with a joyous heart; where stillness is encouraged over speed and where there is no race to be run; where the wisdom of silence has replaced the frenetic din of meaningless intellectual discourse and the ear arrests only the simple truths of the infinite; where the wisdom of the heart is listened to, over the mind or its ego.

I dream of men being intoxicated by the wine of happiness and joy, and feeding upon the abundant fruits of true spiritual understanding.

I dream of a world in which death is no longer feared as being the end of all life, but is seen for what it truly is - the doorway to home and the entrance to eternity.

I dream of what could be, becoming reality. I dream of tomorrow and see the roots of its past residing in the soil of this moment, now.

I dream of the exquisite beauty of the divine being realised in the enlightenment of the race, knowing that the plan of the creator is perfect in its conception, implementation, and operation.

I dream of all this and I smile to myself. For know that it will come to pass.This is the dream of thy spirit ambassador, who seeks always to serve.

by White Feather

Enjoy the remainder of the week.

Love to all

Jan. x 🌻


May spirit light your path.


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